NEW Jermyn Street Sensitive Skin Aftershave

NEW Jermyn Street Sensitive Skin Aftershave

NEW Jermyn Street Sensitive Skin Aftershave

Jermyn Street Sensitive Skin Aftershave is from Taylors of Old Bond Street, London. Alcohol Free Aftershave is suitable for those who suffer from sensitive skin problems such as shaving burn.

Jermyn Street Sensitive Skin Aftershave has a wonderfully rich, modern fougere scent which is formulated without parabens, allergens and alcohol. 

Sensitive skin can make shaving a chore and many men make matters worse by applying an alcohol loaded aftershave directly onto the shaved area immediately after shaving. Are these guys mad, stupid or just ignorant of good shaving practice? I guess they just want to smell nice and don't know any better.

When you shave you remove a very fine layer of skin and the last thing you should ever do is apply alcohol to a just shaved face! Instead apply an aftershave balm or a moisturiser then you can apply a sensitive skin alcohol free aftershave on top of the balm.

Guys who have used Taylors of Old Bond Street products in the past know that they are always great quality and surprisingly good value for money. Jermyn Street Sensitive Skin Aftershave is no different. It comes in two sizes 100ml and 30ml and is priced £21.95 and £15.50. The 30ml bottle is aircraft hand luggage friendly. Buy  Jermyn Street Sensitive Skin Aftershave online UK from Executive Shaving, click here.

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