Acne Skin Care - 10 Tips To Prevent and Treat

Acne Skin Care

Acne Explained

Acne is caused by an abnormal response to the hormone Testosterone. Both men and women have Testosterone in their blood stream and this can sometimes have a profound effect on the skin causing acne.

The symptons of acne predominantly start in early puberty and last until hormone activity settles down in the late teens or early twenties. However more severe cases of acne can continue well into adulthood leaving both physical and emotional scars on the unfortunate sufferer. Acne can even reappear in people in their 50s.

Acne pimples form when the skin's sebacous glands are overreactive and produce too much of the protective skin oil, sebum. A spot then forms when a pore through which a hair emerges is blocked by dead skin cells and the sebacous glands begin to produce too much oil.

Skin cells normally shed themselves naturally about every 28 days, however in acned skin these cells shed a great deal faster and so increase the risk of pore blockages phenomonly. This usually protective oil gets trapped in the hair channel itself, also known as keratinisation, and begins to solidify forming a blackhead.
Over time the sebum here gradually builds up around the hair folicle and its root and becomes especially vulnerable to bacteria. The presence of such bacteria then produces puss which turns these blackheads into whiteheads. In turn the bacteria then begins to form and break down the sebum into very irritating chemicals which in turn cause:

  • Redness
  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Puss build up
  • Inflamation

In severe cases cysts and painful swellings can then develop. These cysts can then rupture and cause deep scars and pitting of the skin.

Top 10 Tips On How To Fight Acne

1. Identify the cause

Examine your lifestyle to identify any changes that occurred when the acne started, stress, boozing, binge eating. Remember acne is part of growing up and is perfectly normal, most boys and girls grow out of the acne problem when they enter their 20s.

2. Keep clean

Because acne is an infection caused by the skin's pores getting clogged with excess oil, washing with hot water and soap should prevent the infection from spreading and annihilate the problem altogether. However only wash twice a day, once when you first wake up in the morning and then, right before you go to bed at night. Be extremely gentle to your skin when washing - do not scrub or use any sort of rough cloth. Overwashing your skin will actually stimulate your sebaceous glands to produce more sebum, thus increasing your acne. 

3. Do not pick at it

Almost all Dermatologists will agree picking, squeezing, and popping will aggravate the acne, spread the bacteria and worsen the scarring. Trying to squeeze the puss out on your own might send it to deeper layers of your skin creating a larger, more serious infection.

4. Apply a honey mask to your face once or twice a week

Honey has antibacterial properties so it is great for disinfecting and healing minor blemishes. It is also gentle on sensitive skin.

5. Keep your hair off your face

If you have long hair, pull your hair off your face. Your hair contains oils as well, and will contribute to your breakouts. You'll also want to wash your hair everyday and after workouts.

6. Take a potent multi-vitamin

Acne can be a sign that something is wrong on the inside. Your skin depends on nutrition. It is a vital organ that is usually neglected. If your body is not receiving the right nutrition, it will fight back. One common way it will rebel is to produce excessive sebum, clogging pores, and reducing the ability for your skin to heal and fight bacteria.

7. Avoid wearing makeup

Leaving makeup products on your skin only contributes to clogging your pores, causing more pimples and blackheads. If you feel you must wear makeup, be sure it is water-based. Also, remember to remove makeup when you get home and when you go to bed at night.

8. Wash your pillow case every other day

Your face lays on your pillow case every other day. Your pillow case absorbs the oils from your skin and reapplies the dirt and oil. Thus causing breakouts. Keep your sheets and pillow cases clean.

9. Drink 6 glasses of water a day

Drinking water is essential for clean skin and your overall health. Water is essential for flushing the system carrying waste material out of your body.

10. Include chromium in your diet

Chromium is well known for weight loss diets. But it is also excellent for healing infections on the skin. Taking a chromium supplement once a day will help heal your pimples quickly and prevent future breakouts.

Products to help

Maybe twice a week, gently rub an Alum Block on the affected areas, the alum block will help combat greasy, oily skin.

To help keep your skin clean view our full range of facial cleansers here.

Using a good quality facial scrub can help to clean pores and maintain healthy skin. We recommend the Triumph & Disaster Rock & Roll Face Scrub.

If you have suffer from acne, or any other skin condition that is preventing you from getting a comfortable shave, get in touch, we are here to help you.
You can 'phone us on +44 (0)141 880 3040, email us, or use the We are here! Livechat function on the website.

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